As I mentioned last week, Desha is coming to Ann Arbor, MI (as well as many other locations on her book tour!) on Thursday, July 17 for a workshop on finding your own Sweet Spot Style. You still have a couple of days left to register - if you're in Michigan or northern Ohio, don't miss out on this event! You'll also receive a copy of Desha's book with your registration.
Ashley: How long have you been practicing Sweet Spot Style in your own life?
Desha: About 10 yrs ago my friend asked me to join a lunch time group and we read Barbara Stanny's book Overcoming Underearning. I had already read lots of personal development books, but for some reason I began to really practice the principles behind intention (probably because I was feeling desperate and needed a miracle!). I was in a job that I didn't love, and for me, that's just not acceptable. Doing work I love that fuels me is really important and if I am not able to access my higher purpose via work, I get physically ill with headaches, neck tension and low energy. SO- I began practicing how to use intention in my life to take my ideal dreams and make them into reality. After 9 months I had manifested things in my life that I previously thought were impossible (I write about this in the book). That was enough for me! I've been practicing Sweet Spot Style living ever since.
What is usually the #1 obstacle that prevents people from living the Sweet Spot Style life?
Well there are a lot, but the #1 obstacle is that people aren't tapped into the greater possibility that exists in their lives. They are convinced that they can't have what they want and have a list of reasons, facts and figures to prove it. And it makes sense that we shy away from the thing we really want because it's scary to shed your layers and admit what you truly want. People love to judge others and they may think what you want is silly, stupid, care-less, selfish, meaningless…. the list goes on. People will tell you why you can't have it. You might also think you aren't talented enough, good enough, strong enough, young enough, old enough…. and if you finally muster the courage to admit what you really want, and then go for it with all of your heart and soul it's scary because what will happen if you don't get it? How devastating would that be?
So, it's EASIER to do the thing that's CLOSE TO the thing you really want to do but it's not as rewarding and you won't feel fully fulfilled until you admit what you want and start taking action towards it. I'm not saying it's easy, but there is a formula and it does work if you are open to it.
What is one change people can make today to set them on the path toward Sweet Spot Style?
One easy thing you can do right now is this: stop worrying about what others think and be honest with yourself about what you want. We only have one life, so why waste it trying to please others? Please yourself and those that love you will be happy for you.
What led to your wanting to write a book? Was there a moment when you knew, "I have to write this"?
As I mentioned before, creatively expressing myself in my work and living in my higher purpose is really important to me. Part of my mission is to help others tap into their own potential and help them creatively express themselves- creating more joy and beauty in the world.
And to be honest, the method in which I do this is not important to me. I started off with a local TV show and interviewed people in their Sweet Spots and then the opportunity to write a book came along and I knew it was right because I felt EXCITED. So whether I am working one-on-one with clients, leading groups, making videos or writing books- as long as it is fun, creative and could inspire someone to live a better life- than I am all for it! When you are living life on purpose, the vehicle through which your message is delivered doesn't matter as long as you are in alignment. Let the universe decide and go for it!
Oh my, there were so many things that gave me joy with this process. I've learned so much about design, photography, publishing and marketing! I really wanted to write a home decor book that people would read and so I tried to channel my inner creative voice and talk to the reader as if I were having tea with a friend. This made the writing process really fun.
There are 17 stories in the book about how busy people with limited budgets are creating their own Sweet Spot Homes- I learned a lot from these stories and they inspired me. Also, it was great fun (and also challenging!) to decide on which pictures to include. I had thousands of pictures and could only choose 100, but it ended up begin more like 200!
Thanks again to Desha for taking time out of her busy schedule to do this interview! And if you want to learn more about the Ann Arbor workshop, head on over to Sweet Spot Style now!
Thanks again to Desha for taking time out of her busy schedule to do this interview! And if you want to learn more about the Ann Arbor workshop, head on over to Sweet Spot Style now!
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