Every Day, You Inspire People You Have Never Met

It isn't very often that an unexpected package arrives on my doorstep. I had just ordered my 2015 World's Most Super-Amazing 100% Awesome Cat Calendar, but I wasn't expecting it to arrive so quickly. When I opened the package, I fully expected a black cat in a felt fish costume to be staring back at me; instead, I pulled out a large, shiny print that read, "Every day, you inspire people you have never met" and at the bottom: "Love, Etsy."

Love, Etsy? Etsy sent me a gift? A large, gold foil and letterpress poster is not inexpensive! After opening the packaging, I discovered two post cards: a thank you card, and a miniature version of the poster.

As it turns out, the poster and thank you note were for my contribution to the Etsy blog in 2014: "6 Tips for Beating Burnout". The second post card was blank, and I am encouraged now to pass on this message of inspiration to someone else in the Etsy community.

It got me thinking again about how much we might feel inspired by people, but for one reason or another, never let them know. Maybe I shouldn't say "we". Maybe other people are a lot more vocal about their feelings than I am. Every day I have opportunities to tell people how I admire them: their work; their accomplishments; their positive attitude; their amazing cooking skills, or their beautiful home. It certainly made a difference in my day to feel appreciated - it is definitely time to pass this sentiment on.

Now it is time for me to decide who to mail this lovely post card to. In the meantime, I challenge you to think about who inspires you, and what you could do to let them know that they are admired. 

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